dewey_superTap water is super.

Take if From the TAP! continues to find that a little education about our water, coupled with a free reusable water bottle is usually enough to change perceptions about our tap water and get people to choose tap water first. We’ve done some incredible things so far, and are looking forward to the future….

1,000+ Taste Tests!

We’ve administered taste tests at schools, and community events – putting our tap water against bottled water to breakdown the stereotype that tap water doesn’t taste good.

When blind taste tests of tap water provided by the Sonoma County Water Agency, a brand name bottled water, and a store brand bottled water were held, Sonoma County Water Agency’s tap water was the clear favorite.*

24 Schools & 7,000+ Students Educated.

Take it From the TAP! school curriculum is a key component to our program. Our 45 minute lesson plan educates students on where our water comes from, water quality, and the economic, health and environmental benefits of choosing tap water.

Students are eager to use their reusable water bottles and take their newfound knowledge home to their families to help them make the switch and choose tap water.

12,500 Reusable Water Bottles Gifted = Disposable Bottles Saved from our Landfills.


*Santa Rosa Earth Day Blind Taste Tests 2010, Classroom Taste Tests 2009-2016